Jewelry Blog

Expert Guide to the VS1 Clarity Diamond

vs1 clarity diamond rings in artistic layout

VS1 diamonds are one of the most popular diamond clarities on the market. This expert guide includes everything you need to know about VS1 clarity diamond and more. Afshin Shaddiae is one of the world’s leading voices on diamonds, has authored a book, and is a lecturer on diamond-related topics.

What Is VS1 Clarity?

The VS1 clarity diamond is the fifth highest on the GIA official clarity scale. A diamond with a VS1 clarity will be very slightly included, meaning there will be no visible inclusion to the naked eye.

The GIA clarity scale places each stone in an appropriate category based on its flaws. The color, size, location, type, and number of defects all play a role. And while no diamond is completely flawless, there’s a massive difference in price between higher and lower clarity grades. A VS1 clarity diamond is located around the scale’s mid-range, offering the perfect balance of clarity and affordability.

graph showing diamond clarity scale

Diamonds located in the Flawless categories are near-perfect. Although absolute perfection is hardly possible, Flawless stones are as close as one gets to it. The imperfections of a Flawless diamond require 40x magnification before you can even begin to detect them. On the other hand, Included diamonds have visible flaws that even a layperson can see.

VS1 clarity is somewhere in between. The abbreviation means the stone in question is “Very Slightly Included.” The number 1 in the category name means it’s the higher grade of Very Slightly Included diamonds. VS1 grade is located just between the VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included 2) and VS2 (Very Slightly Included 2) categories.

Takeaway: As their name suggests, VS1 diamonds have minor inclusions. These can be mineral deposits, cracks, and similar. Typically, a VS1 diamond has slightly more noticeable inclusions than those in higher categories. Nevertheless, these flaws are still so small that the naked eye can’t discern them.

VS1 Diamond Pricing

A mid-range VS1 diamond can be rather affordable. That said, clarity isn’t the only factor that plays a role in the stone’s final value. Depending on its other characteristics, you’ll find a broad range of prices for similarly sized diamonds. Here is a chart for round-cut VS1 diamonds to illustrate the prices you can expect. 

D Color k color

As you can see, the color grade can make a large price difference, no matter the carat weight of the VS1 diamond. The tint of the diamond is measured on a scale from D to Z. Where a D color grade is perfectly colorless, the further down the alphabet we get, the yellower the stone appears. 

Although color K belongs to the “Faint Yellow” category, you probably won’t see a noticeable difference and can save thousands of dollars. On the other hand, the price of a VS1 in a higher color grade can easily match that of a VVS2.

You’ll also find that VS1 diamonds with the same carat weight and color have different price tags depending on their cut— the quality and the style of the cut influence the stone’s value. According to the chart above, a round cut 1-carat VS1 in color K will be around $3,300. Choosing an oval or pear cut can reduce this by $300-$400. A princess or emerald cut may even save you up to $1,000. 

Is It a Good Idea to Buy a VS1 Diamond?

VS1 clarity 0.57ct diamond ring tapered baguette accent stones 14690
Vintage 0.57ct Old European Diamond Clayton Ring. SKU 14690

So, is investing in a VS1 diamond a good idea? It may depend on your goals and preferences. Here are some pros and cons of choosing this clarity grade over others.

The Advantages of Buying a VS1 Diamond

The main advantage of VS1 diamonds is that they appear no less perfect than a more expensive counterpart. As mentioned, these stones only have minor flaws visible under 10x magnification. Thanks to their eye-clean appearance, few people will ever be able to tell your stone isn’t flawless. So, if you don’t care about what’s under the microscope, a VS1 won’t disappoint.

Luckily, even larger carat weights won’t necessarily show imperfections without magnification in the right cuts, and possible inclusions rarely affect the stone’s brilliance. 

Expert Tip: With the above mentioned in mind, VS1 stones can be a fantastic value for the money. The naked eye can’t see the difference between a VVS2 and VS1 diamond, but your wallet certainly can. There can be a 10-20% price difference between these two categories. Therefore, choosing VS1 might allow you to go a few sizes larger and still stay within budget. 

Is VS1 Always a Good Choice?

Are there any reasons why a VS1 diamond may not always be the best choice? It depends on what your goal is. If you want to invest in a high-value stone, going a grade up may be a solid choice, as VVS2 diamonds offer a great introduction to top-tier clarity grades. 

On the other hand, if you’re not concerned with the long-term investment value and want an eye-clean ring at the most affordable price, the VS2 grade offers some of the best value. Depending on its inclusions, a VS2 diamond can sometimes be comparable to a VS1 one. If you’re uncertain which option you should go for, fill out our form below, and we’ll assist you in your decision.


  • A sparkling, eye-clean stone
  • Good choice for larger sizes
  • Great value 


  • Visible inclusions under 10x magnification
  • Some VS2 diamonds may appear the same

Types of Inclusions in a VS1 Clarity Diamond 

Examining Diamond With Loupe in Showroom and Ring Trays

All diamonds have flaws, whether they are natural or lab-grown. A gem’s clarity grade is determined by its inclusions and blemishes. Inclusions are flaws inside the structure of the stone, while blemishes are surface imperfections.

Of course, the fewer inclusions a stone has, the better. However, their number isn’t the only criterion. The location of these flaws often determines how noticeable they are. 

Inclusions near the table (top surface) of the diamond are more significant than those on the sides that the intricate facets of the cut can mask. These imperfections may also have a color, which makes them more apparent. Finally, the type of inclusion is also important. 

Here are the inclusion types that typically affect VS1 clarity stones.

Crystal Inclusions 

Crystal inclusions are mineral deposits trapped inside the diamond during its formation process. They may be transparent or colored depending on the type of crystal. For example, colorless mineral deposits are actually diamonds within the diamond. While carbon deposits will be black, garnet red, and so on.

Feather Inclusions

Feathers are tiny fractures inside the diamond. Sometimes, they are almost invisible, and you’ll only see them from certain angles. Other times, they may be colored and more apparent. 

Additionally, their size and location determine how much they deduct from the stone’s value. Most feathers are fairly inconsequential. However, if the crack is near the diamond’s surface, it can potentially compromise its structure down the line. Steer clear of diamonds with such feathers.

Indented Natural Inclusions

As the name suggests, indented natural inclusions are small indentations on the diamond’s surface. These formed naturally and were left untouched when the stone was cut. You can typically find indented natural areas at the diamond’s girdle.


A knot is a transparent or whitish crystal inclusion. What makes knots different from other crystal inclusions is that they reach the surface of the diamond. A small area of the diamond’s surface may thus be uneven as it protrudes. Knots can often be seen without magnification.

Needle Inclusions

Needle inclusions are some of the most common types of imperfections in higher-grade diamonds. These are also a version of crystal inclusion, but instead of being round, they are elongated. Needle inclusions are usually hard to see unless they have a color. Under magnification, they essentially look like tiny lines inside the diamond. 

How to Buy a Loose VS1 Clarity Diamond?

loose old mine cut diamond in black box near GIA certificate

Buying a loose VS1 clarity diamond can give you much flexibility regarding the setting. But where should you even start? Embarking on a diamond-purchasing journey by yourself can be overwhelming.

You can start with a simple Google search for an idea of what you can get for your budget. Reputable online sellers offer a vast selection of diamonds, including VS1 clarity ones. You can tweak your search criteria to see how each factor affects the price. 

As you’ll notice, each diamond has a unique set of characteristics, which can make your search very complicated. Consequently, if you’re unsure which option is a better value for your money, you can end up with a regrettable purchase. An experienced jeweler can make your job much easier. Fill out our form below with your preferences, and Estate Diamond Jewelry will find a suitable option for you.

VS1 vs. VS2 Diamonds

vs1 clarity diamond compared against vs2 clarity diamond of same specs

VS1 and VS2 diamonds are the two tiers of the Very Slightly Included clarity grade on the GIA’s official scale. They look similar to the untrained eye, making choosing between the two challenging. 

The main difference between VS1 and VS2 diamonds is that the former grade is mostly eye-clean. On the other hand, you might spot the tiny flaws of a VS2 diamond if you look hard enough, even without a magnifying glass. Therefore, VS1 gems are usually preferable to their lower-tier siblings. As each diamond is unique, this doesn’t apply in 100% of the cases, but it’s a reliable way to tell the two categories apart.

Sometimes, a VS2 diamond can appear eye-clean if its inclusions are off the side. With the help of an expert, you might be able to find a VS2 diamond that can compete with a VS1, which can save you a few hundred bucks. Nevertheless, even inclusions aren’t always detrimental to the beauty of the stone, especially when speaking of antique pieces.

VS1 vs. VVS2 Diamonds

vs1 diamond vs vvs2 diamond comparison

Both VS1 and VVS2 clarity diamonds have minor inclusions you’ll only see under a jeweler’s loupe. So, what separates these two clarity grades? 

While spotting the flaws of a VVS2 under 10x magnification might require trained vision, you don’t have to be an expert to see a VS1’s inclusions when placed under a loupe. Although VVS2 diamonds belong to the elite category, VS1s are more affordable, even in higher color grades. For instance, this 0.67-carat VS1 Edwardian Lamego Ring costs only $5,500 in a fine G color grade.

At the end of the day, both VS1 and VVS2 diamonds are of great value. The individual properties of the diamonds may play a more important role in your final decision than their clarity grade.

Shop VS1 Clarity Diamond Rings

Tips and Tricks for Buying VS1 Clarity

Finding the right diamond requires a lot of research. If you have your mind set on a VS1 clarity gem, the tips below will help you make an informed purchase.

1. Inspect the Diamond Well

VS1 diamonds should be eye-clean, but you shouldn’t take this fact for granted. You must scrutinize each diamond before deciding to buy them. 

If you’re shopping online, find a reliable vendor with plenty of high-quality pictures or even videos on their website. When shopping in person, ask the jeweler to see the diamond up close. Looking at the gem from various angles and in different lighting is also a good idea.

2. Insist on a Grading Report

GIA diamond grading report

The average person can’t easily identify inclusions and imperfections on a diamond. Therefore, they may not be able to differentiate different clarity grade stones. You must insist on a grading report when buying a diamond. The document should preferably come from the GIA or the AGS, as these institutions are known for their consistent ratings. Never buy a valuable stone like a VS1 clarity without a certificate, ensuring you get what you pay for. 

3. Go for Lower Carat Weight

Surprisingly, a lower carat weight does not necessarily mean your stone will appear visibly smaller. So, if you’re on a tight budget, a well-chosen diamond won’t ruin the final look of the piece of jewelry. However, a smaller stone also has advantages: inclusions are less visible on such diamonds. Instead of insisting on a certain carat weight, stay flexible, and you might find a stone you love.

4. Mind the Numbers

Another way to save money on carat weight is going for fractions. You will hardly see the size difference between a 1.5 and a 1.47-carat or a 1.2 and a 0.97-carat stone. However, these non-standard fraction sizes can considerably lower the gem’s price. Even picking a 1.99-carat stone instead of a 2.00 one can make a difference. With a round cut color K stone, you can save about $400 with this negligible downgrade.

5. Pick the Right Shape

5.5 Carat Baywood vs1 clarity diamond Engagement Ring
Baywood Ring

The VS1 clarity grade is rather forgiving for diamond shapes, but certain shapes can magnify inclusions and are reserved for top-tier clarity grades. For example, Asscher and emerald cut stones are more prone to showing imperfections. However, this doesn’t mean you should steer clear of them. This beautiful Baywood Ring boldly features a 5.5-carat emerald-cut VS1 clarity diamond.

6. Purchase Antique Pieces

When buying diamond jewelry, going for antique pieces can pay off in the long term. These pieces are unique and valuable, so they are highly sought-after. Should the time come to resell the piece, an antique ring or pair of earrings will not only find a new owner more easily, it’ll also pay you back generously.

7. Get the Best Price Possible

Diamond shopping doesn’t have to break the bank. The first price you spot may not be the final price of the piece of jewelry. For instance, shopping off-season might allow you to leverage discounts and coupon codes.

You can also try negotiating, and you may be able to save a lot of money.

Final Notes on Purchasing a VS1 Clarity Diamond Ring

Engagement Ring Shopping Etiquette

VS1 diamonds are one of the most popular choices for an engagement ring. If you’re searching for a ring with a flawless-looking VS1 diamond or looking to set your stone, these tips will help you.

  • Inspect the diamond to steer clear of surface inclusions.
  • Make sure the metal matches the rest of the jewelry of the wearer.
  • Determine the appropriate diamond size for the wearer.
  • Choose the right setting style for the gem’s cut.
  • To save money, go for a lower color-grade stone with a yellow-gold mount.
  • Pick white gold instead of platinum if you prefer a white setting.

Talk to a Diamond Expert

Afshin Estate Diamond Jewelry in Jewelry Showroom

A VS1 clarity diamond is perfect for budget-conscious buyers who still want a reasonably high clarity grade. A solid grade for engagement rings, VS1 diamonds will sweep anyone off their feet with their eye-clean brilliance. However, choosing the right stone can be tricky, with many factors influencing its quality and price. Finding a combination of characteristics that suits you is critical to staying within budget and getting the best value.

Our diamond experts can do the hard lifting for you. Fill out the form below, and we’ll present you with the best options.


About Afshin Shaddaie

Afshin moved to New York City in the 1980s, and a few years later, he began his career in the fine and rare jewelry scene. He teamed up with Michael Khordipour, and they've been curating vintage jewelry ever since. He also regularly contributes to Forbes, Rapaport, CNBC, The Knot, and Insider. Afshin constantly travels to international shows and private viewing events in the hope of finding rare vintage rings that will be important enough to make an impression. He is available for appointments at our New York showroom when he's not traveling. In 2019, Afshin authored his book called The Engagement Ring Guide for Men. He is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vintage jewelry and antique diamonds. His favorite jewelry era is Art Nouveau, and he loves rare Italian jewelry from the 1950s - 1970s. The Natural Saltwater Pearl is his favorite precious jewel.